this is jackson"We're all humans, we all have emotions. That's what I think most people forget." Jackson, a trans individual living on the South Coast of Massachusetts, talks about his transgender journey on International Trans Day of Visibility.
this is nic"I feel like I could see things better and more clearly once I came out as my true self." Nic, a trans individual living on the South Coast of Massachusetts, talks about his transgender journey on International Trans Day of Visibility.
this is zoe"My family was always accepting and has always been there for me." Zoe, a trans individual living on the South Coast of Massachusetts, talks about their transgender journey on International Trans Day of Visibility.
Tribute (5:06)Highlights of the evening's event honoring the transgender and nonbinary individuals senselessly murdered in 2020, as well as Jennifer Laude, a Filipina trans woman killed by New Bedford native and U.S. Marine Scott Pemberton in 2014
complete ceremony (32:46)All the words and images captured and streamed live on The South Coast LGBTQ+ Networks Facebook page
CALL HER GANDA: The story of jennifer laudePJ Raval (he/him), the internationally acclaimed director/ producer of CALL HER GANDA, an award-winning documentary about the murder of Jennifer Laude, says, “Screening CALL HER GANDA in New Bedford for Transgender Day of Remembrance is of the utmost significance. Sharing the story of Jennifer Laude in the hometown of the person who took her life offers a rare and an important moment to educate and to heal. It is encouraging to witness this community acknowledging and confronting the senseless violence committed against the trans community and demonstrating an impassioned commitment to ensuring that Jennifer’s tragic story will never be repeated. In remembering Jennifer, we can understand that each of our actions matter and that we have the ability to produce positive change.”
Raval made the documentary CALL HER GANDA free for everyone to watch on Thursday, November 19, Friday, November 20, and Saturday, November 21. |
The South Coast LGBTQ+ Network
A 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization P.O. Box 8473 New Bedford, MA 02740 (774) 775-2656 |